All Playgroup Teachers
  • Duration
    1 Week
  • Facilitator:
    Samuel Kuria
  • Contact:
    Training Coordinator
    0710 673 108
    0780 673 108
  • EMAIL:

Playgroup Teachers’ Course

Course Description: 

The Play Group Teachers’ Course is designed to provide early childhood educators in Kenya with the necessary knowledge and skills to create engaging and developmentally appropriate learning experiences for children in the playgroup stage (ages 2-3).

The course will focus on understanding child development, promoting play-based learning, fostering social and emotional development, and designing stimulating learning environments.

Course Duration: ONE week

Course Price: 

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Apply the principles of child development in the playgroup stage.
  • Design and implement play-based learning activities that support holistic development.
  • Foster social and emotional development in young children.
  • Apply effective classroom management techniques in playgroup.
  • Use appropriate assessment and evaluation methods in the playgroup.

Course Outline:
Day 1: Introduction to Playgroup Education

  • Understanding the importance of play in early childhood
  • Exploring the Role of a playgroup teacher
  • Overview of the Kenyan playgroup education context

Day 2: Child Development in the Playgroup Stage

  • Physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development milestones
  • Promoting fine and gross motor skills development
  • Encouraging language and communication skills

Day 3: Play-Based Learning

  • The benefits and types of play in early childhood
  • Designing play-based activities to support specific learning outcomes
  • Incorporating sensory play and creative expression

Day 4: Social and Emotional Development

  • Understanding social and emotional needs in the playgroup stage
  • Promoting self-regulation and emotional literacy
  • Facilitating social interactions and cooperation

Day 5: Classroom Management and Communication

  • Effective classroom management
  • Classroom environment
  • Effective Communication Strategies
  • Behaviour management techniques

Day 6: Assessment and Evaluation in Playgroup

  • Assessment Practices in Playgroup
  • Designing Authentic Assessment
  • Using Assessment Data for Individualized Instruction
  • Portfolio Assessment Creation

Course Assessment:

  • Practical assignments to assess understanding of the course material
  • Design and implementation of play-based learning activities
  • Development of playgroup lesson plans.

Course Delivery: (Evening & Weekend)

  • Virtual training (Google Classroom) and presentations explaining key concepts and strategies
  • Interactive discussions and forums for collaboration and reflection
  • Downloadable resources, including lesson plan templates and activity guides
  • Practical assignments and projects to apply learning in real-life settings

Course Completion: 

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion, acknowledging their professional development in playgroup education.

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