Early Years school Teachers
    (PP1 to Grade 3)
  • Duration:
  • Facilitator:
    Julius Asigogo
  • Contact Coordinator:
    0701 086 249
    0780 673 108
  • Email:

Tusome Teacher Training Program

Tusome Teacher Training Program

Course Duration: 5 Days

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. To enhance teachers’ understanding of the Tusome program and its goals.
  2. To equip teachers with effective strategies for teaching reading, writing, and numeracy skills.
  3. To develop teachers’ proficiency in using the Tusome instructional materials and resources.
  4. To foster a supportive and interactive learning environment in the classroom.
  5. To empower teachers with assessment techniques to monitor and evaluate students’ progress effectively.
  6. To provide teachers with strategies for engaging parents and the community in supporting students’ literacy and numeracy development.

Course Outline:

Day 1: Introduction to the Tusome Program

  • Overview of the Tusome program: goals, objectives, and key components.
  • Understanding the importance of early-grade reading, writing, and numeracy skills.
  • Introduction to the Tusome instructional materials and resources.
  • Exploring the role of the teacher in the Tusome program.
  • Strategies for creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment.

Day 2: Effective Teaching Strategies for Reading

  • Phonics instruction: teaching letter-sound correspondences and decoding skills.
  • Strategies for developing vocabulary and comprehension skills.
  • Guided reading techniques and strategies for differentiating instruction.
  • Interactive read-aloud sessions to enhance listening and speaking skills.
  • Integration of reading across the curriculum.

Day 3: Effective Teaching Strategies for Writing

  • Building foundational writing skills: letter formation, sentence structure, and grammar.
  • Teaching the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
  • Promoting creativity and critical thinking in writing activities.
  • Providing feedback and assessment strategies for writing assignments.
  • Incorporating writing into other subject areas.

Day 4: Effective Teaching Strategies for Numeracy

  • Developing number sense and basic arithmetic skills.
  • Strategies for teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Problem-solving techniques and critical thinking in numeracy instruction.
  • Integrating manipulatives and real-life examples into math lessons.
  • Assessment strategies for monitoring students’ numeracy skills.

Day 5: Assessment and Community Engagement

  • Effective assessment techniques to measure students’ progress.
  • Using formative and summative assessments to inform instruction.
  • Strategies for providing constructive feedback and supporting struggling learners.
  • Engaging parents and the community in supporting students’ literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Creating a collaborative network among teachers for ongoing professional development.

Course Completion: Award of Certificate

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